Friday, October 22, 2010

long time no update ~.~

Yoyoyo!! long time dint update my blog leh..due to i jz finish my trial exam..(actually ady finish 2 week i lazy blog oni)..n d exam is quite normal for me..mayb cos i gt study abit n gt tips for d exams..kekeke..i oso got liao my results..n i very happy cos it is more than wad i expected it to be..except for tat stupidddd akaun ==..:

BM 72
BI 81
MT 96
SC 85
SEJ 74
+MAT 71

I got 8A..1D!!!!...1 D!!!!!..arhh..!!!..babi la..d akaun paper so hard u know!!summore i dun understand WTF it ask cincai la..spm can get C d for my akaun...As for my A..rmbr last time i say my classmate ejek me sej get 43 for pertengahan tahun n laugh at me cant become a lawyer in d future...las week he ask me my sej got hw much..sambil laugh abit..then i say i got 74!! ambil kau!!..he then laugh n say 'waa..manyak pandai la?..sudah boleh jadi lawyer la?'..then we both laugh..

Tomolo is a big day for me..graduation ^^..but duno can wake up i wake up at 7.10am leh...geng leh..i arive skul 7.20am..i jz use 10min to get ready..wahaha..luckily my skul very near to my i jz walk there..hope 2molo can wake up in time la..if not i reli ...i relli will...skip graduation n continue sleep..haha..

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