Monday, July 19, 2010


Each person on earth hv someone tat they truly care alot..even me..recently, i havent seen her much..cos i dun hv tat chance to see her as much as other of my fren seeing their loved ones or d one they care alot..its strange for me to act awkward everytime i saw her in reality..i feel like she might jz like avoiding me by din look at me when i passby her..but when i sms her..its like totally different..i duno wad to do...i duno which one of her is d real her..sometimes i might tink tat she jz pretend to nt look at me...or mayb i m wrong??the moment we could meet is jz 17days left..n tat havent include me or u din come...d next time i see u..i m gonna approach u..

There is no human in d world is counted as perfect...somtimes, when u wana stand up..u might eventually fall..most important is, u get stand bck up urself..stand up..again, again, again, n again..try to give more effort..i know tat everyone on earth have a dream or an objective..i know tat all of u can make tat dream come's jz tat u hv to work it out...u can make any impossible dream come true...just dun ever give up

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