Saturday, July 17, 2010

kenapa mesti saya ah??x blh org lain ka??

i so 'lucky' leh cos i TERKENA NS jor..haih..most of my fren no kena leh..but stil, some kena..duno wad happen la..i tat time thursday sms b4 go tuition around 4.45pm like tat..then durin tuition sms frm 15888..' kp anda 93XXXXXXXXX tlh dipilih utk mnyertai plkn 8/2011' my heart say 'eh hello u should maaf to me la..cos u wil make me bcome darker n botak leh' hair so mahal u know...knn ==..then when my fren know ady..all ejek me will botak..==''..but padahal they oso havent know d result..hope my fren all follow me go NS..hehe..i hope they send wrong msg kena =kena and kena=no kena..then jao good ler~~

p/s : shaun didi( DS..dun so fas ejek me kena year ur turn to botak..muahahha..

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